Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Book: Tanazuraat (Perspectives)
Author: Abid Anwar
Pages: 160
Price: Rs 100
Publisher: All India Tanzeem Ulama-e-Haq
Q-25, Batla House, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi
Available at: D-64, Flat No. 10, Abul Fazl Encl.
Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 25, Mob. 09810372335
Reviewed by Manzar Imam
Views can be as different as the number of viewers. And, as veteran journalist M.J. Akbar says, “You can’t trust a point of view.” Sure, you can’t trust any individual viewpoint. For, every one is led by his own ideas that are formed on one’s individual experiences.
In this collection of articles, the author, journalist Abid Anwar has tried to avoid giving personal opinions and adopted a rather rational and logical approach to convey his message. These articles which were published in Urdu dailies and journals are based on his rational approach substantiated with references from the Quran, prophetic traditions and also from statistical facts and figures in order to avoid any ambiguity.
Grouped in seemingly four categories, most of the write-ups revolve around socio-religious issues of Muslims which demand proper attention. These are issues that trigger debate every time they surface in media. Amidst chaotic clamour rationality is pushed on the back burner. The Imrana episode, Hindi media’s negative depiction of Muslims and moon-sight; the later being a typical Muslim issue to mark the beginning and end of many religious duties, are examples of it.
Abid Anwar is not a novice. He understands issues well to propose a feasible solution to such discords that make the holy at times unholy. A particular drink may taste the same but how it is presented will add value. Mr Anwar knows well how to present things that can be easily digested. It needs time and consistency. He has both.
A UNI journalist, Abid Anwar started writing with the Wall Magazine of Darul Uloom Deoband two decades ago and has never stopped since then. This has given his pen maturity which is reflected throughout the book. Taking exception to some negative media reports to brand Muslims as terrorists after every terrorist act, he says whenever a bomb explodes it takes human toll irrespective of the victims’ religious identity no matter who the offender is. Only politicians know who is a Muslim and who is not but the bomb does not know who it is killing and media lay the blame on Muslims.
He regrets the Muslim apathy when an imam borrows money from a bank against a Masjid property. His take on social issues shows his concern over the growing demoralization and dehumanization of social values.
Going by the statistics provided by him about violence and physical assault on women in the USA where it isn’t unlawful to establish physical relationship with a woman on consent, he says every year 1,32,000 women are either raped or assaulted in America. To top it, above 50 percent of the perpetrators are either friends or close family members.
Observing the dangerous outcome of physical and sexual violence meted out to children, he says that these children are too scared to befriend or trust anyone. Whereas it is vitally important for the growth of a healthy life to chose good friends and share with them both sorrows and happiness.
Journalism stands for the oppressed and suppressed. Despite the fact that many journalists today forget ethics while writing and they are seen siding with the powerful, “Abid Anwar”, says litterateur Haqqani Al-Qasmi “never forgets journalistic ethics and his fight for the rights of the oppressed.
As a first attempt to bring his valuable pieces into book form, Abid Anwar has embarked on a new territory. It is hoped he will come up with more dissenting perspectives in years to come.
Abid Anwar studied in Darul Uloom, Deoband and Jamia Urdu, Aligarh in India. He published articles and commentaries in several Indian publications.
He is presently associated with United News of India at Delhi and is an honorary editor of the bilingual quarterly magazine Safa Times published from New Delhi.
A fadhilat degree holder from the famed Darul Uloom Deoband, India, Manzar Imam has done B.A. and an Advanced Diploma in French from Jamia Millia Islamia. He has previously worked with Delhi-based English fortnightly Milli Gazette and has written over 100 articles on diverse topics.
He many be contacted at

Friday, August 21, 2009